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 *  Welcome to gopher.phunsites.net
 *  This site exists just for nostalgic reasons.
 *  While retro computing is admittedly only fun and done properly on old machines,
 *  this page is currently hosted on a modern server, sorry guys!
 *  I may be reviving my old Sun IPX or SGI Indy eventually to host
 *  this on the "real gear" ...
 *  Meanwhile, enjoy gopherspace and an ancient relic from the time
 *  before the World Wide Web.
 *  PHAQ - Phunsites IT Blog in Gopherspacegopher-menu
 *   This is the Phunsites PHAQ blog archive in gopherspace.
 *   Content is mirrored from the original website at http://phaq.phunsites.net daily.
 *  PHAQ - Phunsites IT Blog in WWW
 *  Knight Industries in Gopherspacegopher-menu
 *   This is the Knight Industries blog archive in gopherspace.
 *   Knight Industries covers my odyssey in building a K.I.T.T. replica car.
 *   Content is mirrored from the original website at http://www.knightindustries.ch daily.
 *  Knight Industries in WWW
 *  Want to search gopherspace?
 *  Search with Veronica-2
 *  Other links in gopherspace:
 *  GopherPedia
 *  Gopherspace
 *  Floodgap
 *  Quux.Org Mega Server

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